I started this blog to hopefully get some traction or inspiration to complete a project that I've had lying around my house for about five years now.
Sitting in two cases gathering dust is an army of blood red Space Marines just itching to shed their gaudy paintjobs and join up with the Warriors of Ultramar!
I got the army when I worked at Games Workshop years ago. I believe that the models were used for in store demos and Games Days too. It always bugged me that some squads were painted to an excellent standard, while others were piss poor. Worse yet, some were painted in that dated early nineties style where they mixed in fiery orange paint with blood red and painted the bases goblin green. Truly retina scarring.
But what really bothered me is that I knew inside of every Blood Angel model an Ultramarine was crying to get out.
Sadly, this project was placed on a large back burner for years but I figured it was time to start up a new painting project. I've been burnt out on the hobby for a while now. I've been selling massive amounts of models on ebay and this was one of the armies that I have that was almost on the selling block. I've been in the miniatures business for over 5 years now and being involved to that degree left me feeling like selling all my models. Don't get me wrong, it was a great run but I'm ready to have a separation between my work and my hobby.
It's probably not the best idea to start a new project at the same time that I start a new job but I like to dive headfirst into things.
Here's my checklist of all the miniatures that I will repaint:
82 Tactical Space Marines
21 Space Marine with Jump Packs
23 Scouts
10 Terminators
3 Dreadnoughts
2 Landspeeders
1 Rhino
1 Attack Bike
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